Saturday, November 15, 2008

Girls & Asperger's

Posting while listening to Rosie and her grandmother have their morning argument. Very unpeaceful. It's always something. They're about equally pigheaded each in her own way.

Anyway. A quick post, since I'm out of time this morning.

A friend sent me a link to a Newsweek article "Why Girls with Asperger's Might Not Be Diagnosed." I'm glad to be seeing much more attention being given to the differences in thought.

And, I finally did get Attwood's book Asperger's and Girls, though writing about it will have to wait a bit. I had about the confusing reaction I expected - sometimes upset, sometimes grateful. There are a lot of things I'm going to need to remember to tell Rosie as she gets older, and I'm very glad to have some input there.

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